How Medical Cannabis Helps in Muscle Recovery
Medical Cannabis and its compounds are shown to assist deal with a good sort of ailments, from depression or anxiety to chronic pain or insomnia. One particular industry cannabis has grown fashionable in recent years is that the fitness and exercising community. Many professional athletes have found relief for various problems medicating with cannabis, so it might add up that a lot of hobbyists and fitness enthusiasts alike are starting to dabble with cannabis medicine.
Though there are over 100 cannabinoids discovered, the 2 most
abundant found in medical
cannabis are THC and CBD. To know why cannabis benefits patients, we must
understand how these two cannabinoids work.
THC is that the psychoactive compound liable for “getting you
high,” or meaning it alters your brain function and thus changes your mood,
perception, and behavior. It is also a known vasodilator, meaning it causes
blood vessels to expand and increases blood flow (red eyes, anyone?) Lastly,
THC has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties.
CBD, the opposite common cannabinoid found in cannabis,
supports the Endocannabinoid System which is essentially liable for maintaining
equilibrium within the body. Like its companion, CBD also has anti-inflammatory
properties, also because of the ability to ease restlessness and aid sleep.
How Medical
Cannabis Helps Muscle Recovery
The pain that comes after strenuous activity, usually each
day to 3 days later, is named Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Tiny,
microscopic tears in muscle fibers are caused by almost any high-intensity exercise,
and therefore the body responds by increasing inflammation which ends up in onset of soreness afterward. Used together, the effectiveness of THC and CBD
are shown to significantly reduce the onset of DOMS.
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